A few hours of sunshine on Saturday, and more mild temperatures called for an outing for pups. It was their first time out, and it was a bit chilly for them, so they weren't out long. But they did enjoy the feel of the sun on their black coats. Some were eager to explore all the smells of the outdoors, and some wanted to just sit and savor it all. I caught three pups doing just that. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to photograph them. When they are on the move, all you get is a black blur. I think I need a camera with less delay when you hit the button. These pictures aren't all that great, but the others were just blurry black bodies. You will notice that the pups have colored ribbons on. It helps to know who is who, but they become their names too, at least for now. So here is Red, Green and Pinkie (girl, of course).
We are all hoping for some more spring like temperatures in the next week. An important part of growing up for the puppies is to get out and be able to explore. It is just too boring in the puppy box, and although, thanks to my children, they often wake up and find themselves in a baby stroller or a carefully constructed bed of baby blankets and surrounded by lovingly laid out stuffed animals, for a dog, it just doesn't beat getting outside in the fresh air!