George is on vacation.....with us. His parents are on a trip and we agreed to puppy-sit while they are gone for the next 11 nights. It is really fun having him around. He is such a good dog. He was enjoying some time in the hammock with the girls, and has been having a tremendously good time with Sam. Sam missed having little brothers to roll around in the grass with. George has been so fun, I have to keep telling myself..."He's not my dog anymore, he will be leaving..." especially when he drapes himself over my lap and looks up at me with those sweet brown eyes.
Quincy and Caesar...
..are our two large Standard Poodles, AKC registered, with a smattering of champions in their family trees. They pass on a solid, healthy foundation to their puppies. With three children and plenty of room on our small farm, our puppies are well socialized and exposed to many different things in life to make them an adaptable and easy going puppy, ready for anything life brings their way. They go for rides in the car, they are taken out in public, they go swimming at the park, and they get groomed. As a veterinary technician, I am able to make sure they get the best of medical care. This combination of environment and genetics makes for a wonderful family pet. We still hear from owners of past litters and we have yet to have any issues with any of our pups. They will be sold with a puppy contract, limited AKC registration, food sample, heartworm sample pack, medical record and a mom-scented toy. Email me for more details if you are interested in future litters. Litter planned for DECEMBER 2008!!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
On Vacation
George is on vacation.....with us. His parents are on a trip and we agreed to puppy-sit while they are gone for the next 11 nights. It is really fun having him around. He is such a good dog. He was enjoying some time in the hammock with the girls, and has been having a tremendously good time with Sam. Sam missed having little brothers to roll around in the grass with. George has been so fun, I have to keep telling myself..."He's not my dog anymore, he will be leaving..." especially when he drapes himself over my lap and looks up at me with those sweet brown eyes.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
The Final Chapter
The only puppy to leave our family in an unconventional way was Thomas. When he broke his leg on his 10th week old birthday, he had to wear a splint for the next 3 weeks, and a light wrap for the last week. I was so lucky to have a friend take on his charge for his rehabilitation. And now Thomas is free of splints, housebroken, and very much coming into his own. He gets to go to work every day with Tammy and stay in the inn at the veterinary clinic. He likes to bark a bit, especially to get a cat's attention. He also likes to "talk"--not a bark but just a "roo roo roo" when you talk to him. Tammy and her husband Ron have graciously opened their home to Thomas officially, and now he is a new resident of Greencastle, PA. He even got a wonderful new name, Lincoln, which I love. It suits him. The best part is that I get to see him once a week at work. So if I ever need a puppy fix, I can get it then. Lincoln will be Tammy's running partner, and he better start getting in shape now, since she runs at least 30 miles a week. But for right now, he can just be the silly pup that he is, and wait for the next cat to come along, so he can bark at it.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
I have a definite bittersweet feeling as I sit here and type this entry. Good 'ole George went home with his new family tonight. They are a lovely couple. Their kids are grown and they have been dogless for 7 years. George is their new "kid". George did his usual display of ear-biting, hair-pulling, and retrieving of his floppy pink poodle toy. In between his antics, he laid on his back and allowed a little belly scratching and was sure to give them a few of his sweet, long gazes. It has always amazed me at how good he was at eye contact. He is one sharp puppy, and I think they will enjoying him immensly.
So now we are puppy-less, (unless Thomas comes back) and it feels a bit strange. It is always hard to say good-bye to the last one, and since we had been through so much with George, it made it a bit harder.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Last, but not Least
I just want to take a minute and say something about George, our last puppy. George is not the last pick of this litter. Actually, George could have gone home with several other people that came out to pick a puppy. I just wouldn't let him go. He was still on medication, and I just wouldn't sell him until he was absolutely 100% better. Now, George is 100%. He was on a very long treatment regime to make absolutely sure that he would not have any relapse with his strangles. My vet and I were very careful to do a very long, and slow taper of his medicine to make sure that he would be fine, and he is. George is completely over his cellulitis and will not have to go down that road again in his life. George is very smart, eager to please, and when he wags his tail, his whole hind end shakes. He knows how to sit, and does it well. He comes readily when called. George will have a visitor coming tomorrow to look at him, but as of right now, he still needs a home. George got a little extra snuggle time in bed tonight, as we aren't sure if this will be his last night with us.
George's visitor for today cancelled out, so he is totally available right now!
Theo, more often known these days as Teddy (Roosevelt), found a new home. He has a beautiful housemate, Remy, to get to know as well. She wasn't too sure of the pups today as she visited, but something tells me she and Teddy will be great friends before the sun goes down. Teddy is just that...a big teddy bear. He is so big and loveable and we are so glad that he will be loved in his new home near Leesburg, Virginia. We'll miss the big Teddy.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Clara left this morning, and although we will miss her, she will be having fun. She gets to go live with her two brothers, Quinn and Logan, in Westminster, Maryland. They are her older full brothers from last year's litter. They are pretty full of energy now, and are just as big as Sam. They came for the visit too, and had a good time romping with brother Sam. Clara's new name will be a nice Irish name, Brenna. She won't be at a loss for doggie companionship.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Blue Light Special
Here are the three amigos....from left to right, that is Theo, licking his lips, Clara and George. They are the last three pups left. Since they are pushing 12 weeks and need to really find themselves in their own individual homes, I am going to advertise them at special prices this weekend. So, if you read my blog, tell your friends, your neighbors. Special pups at special prices. And these are by no means "cheap" dogs. They have had alot of work, care and love poured into them. Truly, they are more valuable every day. They just need to have their own family to call their own.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Favorite Things
One of our favorite places to take the puppies is to the little local park that has a large pond in the back with a nice trail around the edge. My children love to take their buckets and nets to see what they can catch. The puppies love to be off leash and free to explore the mud and reeds and new smells. They will be 11 weeks old this week and are in the that window of "education" where they need to be exposed to new things so that they will be well adjusted dogs as adults. Going to the park is a great place to learn. They are always thoroughly muddy and exhausted when we get home.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Goodbye Betsy
Betsy got a new trim, nails done, brushed, the works...all in anticipation of her going home with her new family. Of course, she had to visit the stream after her "beauty session" which is so typical of these dogs. She is going to Adamstown, Maryland to live with a family with 3 young children. She will fit right in. Her gentle nature makes her perfect for kids. This family knows and loves standard poodles, and are so excited to have her. I will not worry at all about Betsy. Her new family is wonderful, and she will be greatly loved.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Breaking News

On the puppy front, we had our own "breaking" news last night. Literally. As Caleb, the eyewitness reported, Sam was playing in the yard with the puppies, as usual. He was running with his head turned back, as many a dog will do, and stepped on Thomas. Lots of shrieking and a call to my office by my husband, where I was working, and a now non-weight bearing right rear leg. Xrays this morning revealed that Thomas has a nice mid-shaft fracture of his femur. Poor boy. I will try to post a picture of his xrays later. Being a puppy, and their rapid growth rate, the prognosis is good, but he will have to wear a splint for about 4 weeks. The modified support wrap I put on him overnight was appealing to the rest of the puppies as their new chew toy, so he has to be separated from the crew. He is going to stay with a much trusted fellow veterinary technician friend for his rehab. I bet she and her husband fall in love with him over the next 4 weeks and don't give him back. Poor Thomas, thank goodness for great painkillers. He was a happy pup when I left him at the clinic this morning, laying on a blanket, chewing on his bone, and taking in all the action.
Monday, April 16, 2007
All Dressed Up....
All dressed up with no where to go. Clara still needs a home. She was dressed in one of Edey's t-shirts this morning, and took the whole process right in stride. She wears a size 3T. She also got a good brushing ("hair-do") and a small pile of puppy biscuits for a reward. Being a puppy isn't all that bad around here....
Monday, April 9, 2007
More from the Past
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Bye, Bye, Birdie
Birdie is in for an adventure. A very nice couple from Colorado came to visit the puppies and picked her. I think it was her shiny, wavy coat that made the final decision, plus she was the first one to pay attention to them and lay at their feet. Birdie will fly home with them later this week after their visit with family in the Baltimore area. She goes home to what sounds like a beautiful spot on the Arkansas River with a couple of trout streams, some llamas, geese and a donkey with the same "song" as our donkey. Plus, as her new owner is a home-based artist, she will have constant companionship. There were definitely some held back tears in this family as the realization that she was gone hit home as their car pulled away. As my husband said, "It's alright if you want to cry....." Bye, Bye, Birdie.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Rosa Parks
This is Rosa. She is all girl in one small package. She has some attitude, let me tell you. She bosses her brothers around who are three times her size. From day one, when she was given the pink ribbon, she became a favorite with my daughters. Her small size made her the most portable, and allowed her to be dressed in doll clothes. Really. This has made her a really adaptable girl. It took me a long time to get a picture of her, as she is always wiggling her little tail and on the move. This is a rare quiet moment, when she was tuckered out after a walk and swim at the park. Rosa has been sold and is going to her new home in Baltimore on Friday!
George Washington
This is George Washington. He was the first pup to get a name, and got us on the famous men/women name kick. George got his name because at about 6 weeks, he always stood out with an extra curly furry mop of hair on his head, that reminded Caleb, my son, of the pictures of George Washington. Little did we know that he got that very mop of hair because Quincy was spending extra time licking him and slicking his hair in crazy directions. It must have been an extra maternal sense she had, because the next day George broke out with juvenile cellulitis, or puppy strangles. Sounds terrible, but it is a skin problem, with no genetic roots, or bacterial or environmental causes. Just one of those things. Actually the breeds most susceptible to it are retrievers and Gordon Setters. So why our little George got it, we'll never know. But after some careful observation, and some aggressive medications, he is looking new again. Now, I don't know if it was the episode of cellulitis that brought this out in him, but George has to be the most special pup of the litter. He has an uncanny desire to be with people. To the point that if all the puppies are nursing, George would rather not, just to be with someone. Sometimes, when all the pups are playing outside, and I am out there watching their antics, George just sits by my feet, watching me. I do think sometimes, and I tell him this, that he seems human. He has a true heart of gold in that little black package of fur. Everyone loves George. He is not for sale until he gets his last round of meds, then he will be ready for the special home.
Monday, April 2, 2007
Clara Barton
Clara is the female puppy with the yellow ribbon. She and Edey like to watch Sesame Street together. She is a slightly smaller female, and full of life. She loves the water and is a great leader. She has a lot of potential. My daughters both love Clara. She usually has them cracking up with her antics.
Abraham Lincoln
Meet Handsome Abe, as we call him. He is just one cool puppy. He always seems so calm and collected, and is just eye catching. For some reason, the hay and dirt seldom stick to Abe. All the others can be rolling in the mulch or playing in the stream and come out looking like it. And even though Abraham has done the same things, he comes out looking great. Maybe he should be a model or something. He, along with Theodore, are the two biggest pups in the litter. I haven't weighed them recently, but I would bet Abe is pushing 15-20 pounds. Handsome Abe needs a special family to call his own. Abe went to his new home in Harford County with the Campbells on Saturday. My camera was dead, so hopefully we will get an update from them soon!
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Hit the Hay
Thomas Jefferson

Meet Thomas Jefferson. He wears a red ribbon and sports a small dusting of white on his bottom chin. See it? He is a good wrestler, and has a really nice middle of the road temperment. He is always in the mix of activity around here. He is a more broadly built puppy, and seems to be good friends with another male puppy, George (Washington). More about George later.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Last Years Puppies
Theodore "Theo" Roosevelt

Theodore is a male puppy. He is a wonderful middle of the road dog. Not the most outgoing, and not shy. He is a patient pup. When they are getting anxious to go out, he doesn't cry about it, he just waits patiently until I get the kennel open. This isn't the best picture, but wanted you to meet Theo.
Added a bit later.....Theodore is growing! He and Abe are the biggest in the litter. Theo's personality is really starting to come out. He is a very perceptive and thoughtful puppy. He may not be the first to run out and greet you, but he sure doesn't forget you at the end, when all the other puppies have run off to play.
Birdsall "Birdie" Otis Edey

Birdie is a female puppy that wears the purple ribbon. She is the other bigger girl. She loves to fetch and chew! If I see a puppy carrying something around, it has to be Birdie. She loves sticks, mulch, towels, paper, anything! She is a clown, and loves to play chase with the children. She is an active and fun puppy.
Betsy Ross

This is the female puppy we call Betsy. She wears the light pink, almost white ribbon. She is probably the biggest female and rivals the boys for size. She was the first born, and is very level headed. These two pictures were taken one week apart. Isn't it amazing how they grow? The right hand picture was taken just after her muzzle got its first trim. She will make someone an amazingly devoted dog.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Potty Training
No, I don't really potty train them the way Edey does, but they are starting to really get the idea. I got up at 5:30 this morning when I heard one or two puppies whining. When I took them outside, they promptly did their business. I think puppies naturally want to do their business away from where they sleep, you just have to take advantage of their early attempts to signal you, and you can't delay. So, if it means an early wake up call, I am willing to go with it. Pretty soon, they may all move to a crate so that they can get used to that idea as well. They are just 6 weeks now, so vaccinations and physicals are planned for this week.
Naming the Puppies
The pups all got a name this weekend. We have used some colored ribbon to distinguish them, but not all of them would keep their colors on. We got started on a presidential kick when the children dubbed a favorite boy, George Washington because of his mop of hair on his head. From their they all got names, and surprisingly, they all suit them well. Here is the name chart that hangs over the box. The colors indicate what color ribbon they may have around their neck. They are getting their first visit from a prospective owner later today, so it will help keep them straight when people start picking out their favorites.
School Days
Five of the puppies went into the elementary school yesterday for a visit. They visited Abby's kindergarten class, and Caleb's second grade class. I could only take five because I really couldn't carry all eight in a laundry basket. They are getting so big. They are also quite frisky and their personalities are really starting to shine through. They are very interactive at this age, but the nipping hasn't really peaked yet, so it was the perfect time to take them in. The kids loved every minute of it. And the puppies didn't have a single accident, they are getting so good about holding it and only going when they are outside. It was a fun morning.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Nursing Puppies 101
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